Car reverse horn with musical sound you would love to use - circuits to-day


Versatile electronics circuits trending in nature explained step by step for Students, Teachers, Parents, Hobbyists and Prototype builders for quick, safe and successful circuit building.

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Car reverse horn with musical sound you would love to use

Car reverse horn

You are familiar with cars fitted with reverse horns. When the car is taken back in rather than reverse direction a sound is generated with the used horn. Most of the reverse horns produce deterrent or annoying sounds scaring people around. Hence generally people would not like these harsh sounds that too when it is blurring like machine guns with high volume.  Especially children, old likes and sick patients do not approve of such rough sounds. Hence the reverse horn should be replaced or fitted with some pleasing sound-producing instruments. Then everyone will welcome such types of horns.  

8 different musical sound reverse horn circuit design

Here I have presented a circuit design of a car reverse horn that produces melodious 8 different musical tones. It is pleasing to hear the sound and you would like to fit it in your car or even in two-wheelers. Appropriate changes can be made in two-wheelers to fix this reverse horn. 

Circuit schematic of melodious musical car reverse horn

The circuit schematic of the car reverse horn is given here. It is a simple and straightforward circuit that uses a 12 V DC supply which is readily available in cars. 

The circuit employs HT88 musical IC which can produce 8 different musical notes which are fed to the LM1010 audio power amplifier through a C3 coupling capacitor. If one desires to adjust the output volume of the horn, R5 may be replaced with volume control and the center tap may be connected to pin 8 of LM1010.  

Since HT88 works on 3.9V maximum, an appropriate Zener diode is included to control the input voltage from a 12 V battery.  


The circuit can be assembled on any general-purpose PCB easily and fitted into the car or two-wheeler in a safe position. 

To sum up

As the parts of the circuit are easily available in the local electronics market, one can easily assemble it for self-use and for friends. Please record your comments here so that improvements if any may be incorporated for popularity and wide use. 

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