Automobile circuit checker - circuits to-day


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Sunday, 23 January 2022

Automobile circuit checker

 Automobile circuit checker

Many times automobile electrical wiring creates confusion among the technicians to ascertain which terminal is grounded from the battery and which wire is live to take out connections. Wrong selection of terminals or wires may cost severe damage either to the battery or the gadget connected to the power supply in an automobile. To make certain proper testing of the wiring is essential before commencing any operations. Here is a circuit design explained to ascertain and identify the correct polarity of the battery wiring in an automobile.

Automobile circuit checker

It is very easy to build this automobile circuit checker using very few components. It is very compact and economical to build at a very low cost. The circuit uses just a single transistor in its design. Test conditions can be ascertained with just one red LED. As such it is a very handy tool to check the electrical connectivity status of wires. Every automobile user should have this gadget in his vehicle for ready check and usage. 

How it works

In a motor car where the negative supply of the car battery is grounded - follow this to assess the condition of the electrical wires connected to it. 

To find out the polarities of the wires used in the automobile, say which wire is grounded or which wire is open, simply connect the ground wire of the gadget to the ground or chassis of the car. Follow the procedure explained:

Switch on the gadget - Red LED glows 'Dim'. Touch the probe tip to the wire to be tested.

1. Red LED glows brightly indicating that the wire is connected to a negative supply of the battery. i.e. grounded. 

2. LED brightness diminishes and disappears- wire is connected to the positive power supply. 

3. No change in the brightness of the LED - wire is open. 

As such all the three conditions of the wire under test can be easily ascertained and acted accordingly. How simple it is. 

The circuit schematic

Parts List

Q1=BC148 Transistor
LED1 = Red LED
ZD1= BZ148 Zener diode
R1&R4 = 47 ohm resistors
R2= 10K ohm resistor
R3= 220K ohm resistor
Sw1= on-off switch
B1= 3V Battery
Probe tip

To sum up

The circuit can be neatly assembled on any general-purpose board with suitable enclosures. Make it handy and it is an indispensable gadget for all.  

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